Who we worked for

DECENT: Advanced Blockchain Ecosystem

For a major Swiss-Slovak blockchain platform we worked on a project for a distribution platform for online mobile games for the so-called unbanked market. We prepared the Distribution Contracts for the foreign market and general terms and conditions for the online distribution platform, taking into account the blockchain legal specifications and the cryptocurrencies used by the platform (world's TOP 10 ICOs in 2016). https://decent.ch/

Interview with the client

Chat bot with artificial intelligence

We represent a leading Czech-Slovak development company developing a communication chat-bot using artificial intelligence. We have prepared Employment Contracts and Licensing Agreements for programmers developing the software. During the project, we placed emphasis on protecting the client's intellectual property rights, copyright and confidentiality obligations of employees and other workers. https://www.xolution.sk/

Interview with the client

Clean-tech platforma SOLVED

We work for the Finnish-Slovak company Solved, which provides a platform connecting experts, sustainable and smart solutions to different types of activities such as projects, events and job opportunities. As it is a “white label“ solution, the platform is used by many clusters, networks, associations or innovation ecosystems in Finland, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, USA and Slovakia. We have provided comprehensive IT legal services to the client, specifically represented the client in negotiating of the Work Contracts. We also drafted template contracts with the programmers, Service Level Agreements and provided complex Privacy consulting. https://www.solved.fi/

Interview with the client

We speak your language

We work agile, we know that MVP doesn't play a significant role in the NBA, only, we respect the lean approach and we recognize SaaS, PaaS, RaaS and IaaS solutions. We understand why trial runs are essential in R&D, we know how to hash, what proof of stake is and how a blockchain database works.


IT top-to-bottom

We are active in technology at every level. In schools, we promote programming with FIRST LEGO League. We help startups through leading accelerators and represent five CESAward winners. In the business world, we work for a wide range of SME clients to Fortune 500 corporations. We are regular speakers at ITAS and SAPIE. We are ranked as Law Firm of the Year 2021 Award for IT & Teleco as a highly recommended law firm.


We understand technology

To be better IT lawyers, we also want to understand the technical side of projects. That's why we work with developers and programmers. We've co-authored several applications ourselves, which has introduced us to the world of product development.

3 reasons why MATHISON


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