DECENT: Advanced Blockchain Ecosystem
For a major Swiss-Slovak blockchain platform we worked on a project for a distribution platform for online mobile games for the so-called unbanked market.
We prepared the Distribution Contracts for the foreign market and general terms and conditions for the online distribution platform, taking into account the blockchain legal specifications and the cryptocurrencies used by the platform (world's TOP 10 ICOs in 2016).
Michal Magnusek, Product Owner
What was the most challenging part of this legal project for you personally?
„The most challenging part of the project is clearly explaining its potential to the general public. From my perspective, blockchain technology is expanding in two communities. The first is the tech-savvy cyberpunk community that understands the potential of blockchain. The second community is the mainstream, which is harder to tap into for knowledge about the potential uses of blockchain and encounters mistrust about the novelty of the technology.“
What is key in evaluating the success of a law firm's work?
„It's clearly the ability to understand the tech client's requirements and language and being familiar with the legal landscape. I wouldn't just frame these requirements in the areas of law and law firms. It applies generally. Collaborations are interesting to me when I have the opportunity to work with people who are experts in their field.“
What made the cooperation with MATHISON special for you and how do you rate it?
„The cooperation was specific in particular because MATHISON is a law firm with an interesting network of smart people who are a pleasure to work with. In any collaboration there is a necessary degree of empathy resulting from the different situations the product can get into. It is this empathy and understanding of priorities that is another aspect of collaboration that I greatly appreciate.“

Chat bot with artificial intelligence
We represent a leading Czech-Slovak development company developing a communication chat-bot using artificial intelligence.
We have prepared Employment Contracts and Licensing Agreements for programmers developing the software. During the project, we placed emphasis on protecting the client's intellectual property rights, copyright and confidentiality obligations of employees and other workers.
Jana CilliCEO and Sales Director
What was the most challenging part of this legal project?
„Chatbot projects fall into the typical agile category when it comes to software development. The customer is directly involved in the development and has the opportunity to test the intermediate product and then re-evaluate their requirements over time. At the same time, they learn to use the new technology and set up processes for working with it. At the same time, we, on the development side, gradually get into the customer's business and learn what is obvious for them in their business.
From a legal perspective, the biggest challenge is to legally incorporate the high degree of freedom and flexibility that is standard in agile projects into a legal document. In terms of our projects where we implement extremely new and sophisticated technologies, we clearly find it most challenging to manage client expectations throughout the entire lifecycle. It's about trust and partnership.“
What is key in evaluating the success of a law firm's work?
„The complexity of the vendor-client relationship and processes is a challenging thing. A law firm has to be versed in both our business, which is very young, in modern SW management methodologies and also understand the relationship with our client and, practically, the unwritten values of both firms. To reconcile all this with the legislation? Hats off!“
What made the cooperation with MATHISON special for you and how do you rate it?
„It's been great to be able to cover all types of contracts, from employees to specific project contracts. This way we don't have to explain our business over and over to more people. Great!“

Clean-tech platforma SOLVED
We work for the Finnish-Slovak company Solved, which provides a platform connecting experts, sustainable and smart solutions to different types of activities such as projects, events and job opportunities. As it is a “white label“ solution, the platform is used by many clusters, networks, associations or innovation ecosystems in Finland, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, USA and Slovakia.
We have provided comprehensive IT legal services to the client, specifically represented the client in negotiating of the Work Contracts. We also drafted template contracts with the programmers, Service Level Agreements and provided complex Privacy consulting.
Radoslav MizeraCIO
What was the most challenging part of this legal project?
„Setting up our contracts to be universal, to protect our intellectual property, but at the same time to be understandable and not hinder us and our team to deal with what is essential - the development of our application.“
What is key in evaluating the success of a law firm's work?
„Professionalism, of course. As I am not a lawyer, in the first place it is the trust that is established between the law firm and the client that is the basis for a successful long-term collaboration. Next, it's about communication and flexibility, and this has always been prompt, helpful, I would even say above our expectations on the part of MATHISON.“
What made the cooperation with MATHISON special for you and how do you rate it?
„The fact that we are a small company on the one hand, but due to our activities we require a lot of attention and expertise in such a challenging topic as the actual development of technically demanding web applications can be. And we have always felt that we received so much attention that didn't take into account the fact that we are not a big client at all. On the contrary, we felt that our collaboration was mutually enriching!“