Who we worked for

GDPR for a major Slovak political and social weekly

We handled the complex GDPR documentation for a magazine .týždeň and it was a real challenge. The client processes a lot of personal data as part of their journalistic work. The client is also a book publisher, they run a popular club .pod lampou and an online ecommerce. As these are very specific activities, in addition to the preparation of complete security documentation, we also carried out a data protection impact assessment as part of the project. https://www.tyzden.sk/

Interview with the client

GDPR for a software development company

Steinringer WEB and IT solutions, s.r.o. is an Austrian-Slovak TECH company that provides IT services mainly in the field of construction, sales and property management. We have prepared a complete GDPR agenda, security documentation, consents to the processing of personal data, and documents containing information for data subjects. As part of the preparation of template contracts with employees and service providers, we also modified the license terms to protect our client when creating new software. https://www.steinringer.sk/home/

Interview with the client

GDPR for a clean-tech platform

We work for the Finnish-Slovak company Solved, which provides a platform connecting experts, sustainable and smart solutions to different types of activities such as projects, events and job opportunities. As it is a “white label“ solution, the platform is used by many clusters, networks, associations or innovation ecosystems in Finland, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, USA and Slovakia. We have prepared complete GDPR documentation. The main challenge for us was to set the terms and conditions for processing personal data in accordance with the GDPR and the Personal Data Protection Act, as this is a very innovative and fast-moving project. https://www.solved.fi/

Interview with the client

We are the guarantors of the GDPR

In three years, we have become GDPR guarantors for 180+ clients, from startups to Fortune 500 companies. We described our tips and experience in an interview with . týždeň magazine.


We have a really experienced team

We left nothing to chance and to our Privacy desk we appointed a colleague with experience from the control department at the Office for Personal Data Protection.


Fair prices

Thanks to our experience we have fine-tuned processes and we can fix our remuneration to fixed prices, which we always communicate up front.

3 reasons why MATHISON


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